Sources used
- Steel Design, William Segui
- Structural Steel Design, Jack C. McCormac, Stephen F. Csernak
- Prof. Ing. Josef Macháček, DrSc., lecture notes
- Prof. Ing. Jindřich Melcher, DrSc. et al., Prvky kovových konstrukcí, Pruty namáhané tahem a tlakem
- Doc. Ing. Marcela Karmazínová, Prvky kovových konstrukcí, Spoje kovových konstrukcí, 2005
- Prof. Ing. Jindřich Melcher, DrSc., Doc. Ing. Miroslav Bajer, CSc., Prvky kovových konstrukcí, Pruty namáhané smykem a ohybem
- Ing. Milan Pilgr, Ph.D., Kovové konstrukce, podklady pro cvičení
List of chapters
- Introduction to steel structures
- Tension members
- Compression members
- Members in bending
- Shear
- Torsion
- Bending and Shear
- Bending and Axial force
- Bending and Shear and Axial force
- Buckling resistance of members
- General method for cases involving buckling
- Lateral torsional buckling of members with plastic hinges
- Trusses and buckling
- Uniform built-up compression members
- Multi-storey building: a study